Desejo um excelente ano de 2012 a todos os que dia a dia lutam para serem melhores cada ano que passa! Aos que já não acreditam, desejo animo e força para recomeçarem, vale sempre a pena até porque só seremos derrotados se desistirmos.
quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011
domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2011
sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2011
XX Women Handball World Championship - Brasil 2011

Desejo muita sorte para a Selecção de Angola no jogo de Hoje!
Preview of Denmark vs. Angola
Time for revenge?
It was an Angolan 28:23 main round victory in Yangzhou, China, which was
the reason for missing the semi-final at the World Championship 2009 for
Denmark. “Maybe it is pay back time now,” Danish coach Jan Pytlick hopes
previously to the quarter-finals against the African Champion (14.30 local time)
in Sao Paulo. “We are really looking forward to this match, but Angola played a
great tournament,” Pytlick added. His team was the lucky extra time winner over
Japan in the eight finals, as Angola surprised Korea with a one-goal margin in
the round of the last 16 teams.
“Denmark is the clear favourite,” Angolan coach Francisco Eduardo said,
but at the same time he hopes: “We played good, and we will give all to win this
match.” The currently best Angolan result was rank seven at the World
Championship 2007 in France after beating nations like France and Hungary. Now
the African Champion hopes for the huge sensation. “We know the decisive big
points of Denmark, and we try to stop exactly those points in our match play,”
Eduardo said: “We learnt a lot.”
Angola surprisingly reached the second rank in the “group of death” below
Norway but ahead of nations like Montenegro, Germany and Iceland. Denmark won
their group ahead of Croatia and Sweden despite having a completely different
team compared with the European Championship 2010: “Eight players of our 2010
squad are not in Brazil, our line-up changed totally,” Pytlick explained: “But
we are not the favourite for the World Championship title, as we have so many
young players – and we have to see how they cope with this
Denmark – three times Olympic Champion 1996, 2000
and 2004 – has won their last Gold medal at World Championships in 1997 in
Germany. “It’s long ago and we are still building a new team for the Olympics
2012,” Pytlick said. As the Danish team ranked fourth at the last European
Championship, Angola became African Champion.
terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011
domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011
Pérolas de África
Pérolas de África é como chamam os Angolanos às suas andebolistas. E de facto têm razão, aqui está um exemplo. Apresento-vos duas atletas juvenis com quem trabalho no clube Desportivo 1º de Agosto. à minha direita a Liliana (16 anos) e à minha esquerda a Albertina (15 anos) que treina e joga com a equipa junior. Verdadeiros talentos com quem tenho o privilégio de trabalhar! Para quem não sabe, a minha altura é 1,86 m...
quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2011
terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2011
sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2011
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